Parishioners who are involved in Liturgical Ministries help to enhance the Sacredness of the Liturgy and bring the faithful to the Source and Summit of our Faith.
If you are interested in joining any of the below ministries, please fill out the form below.
Altar Servers -formally called "acolytes"- they are trained to assist the Priest during the celebration of the Eucharist.
Choir -The Adult Choir sings at the Sunday 10:00 AM Mass. The Youth Choir sings monthly on Sundays.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion -Assist the priest with the distribution of Communion at Mass.
Lay Readers - The lector reads from the ambo the readings that precede the Gospel as well as the Prayer of the Faithful.
Ushers -Greet parishioners as they enter, help them find seating, and assist with the collection at Mass.